Cash for Keys

REO Properties

Broker Price Opinions


Guardian Realty Services

Specializing in the foreclosure market and equipped to handle every aspect of the foreclosure process

Since 2007, Guardian Realty Services has been liquidating REO properties for banks. Broker Kevin Ellstrom has over 20 years experience in Real Estate and Real Estate finance and is staffed with highly experienced Real Estate professionals that are uniquely qualified and experienced in every aspect of the foreclosure/REO process.


  • Listing Properties
  • Broker Price Opinions
  • Trash-outs
  • Board-ups
  • Repairs
  • Winterzing
  • Hazardous Waste Removal
  • Property Securing and Re-key Service
  • Yard and Pool Maintenance
  • Cash-for-Keys negotiations
  • Evictions
Guardian Real Estate

Guardian Real Estate